Your Pathway to Financial Freedom

Investment Property Financing

eBook: Building Bricks to Wealth - out now

Your guide to the building bricks of wealth. This is a step-by-step guide and list of actions you can take to set yourself onto a wealth journey. It’s full of links and linked websites, making it easier and faster to take these steps.
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These loans are the easiest path to investment property & AirBNB ownership, with as little as 20% down payment


Providing the fastest way to growth, they close in an LLC -staying off your credit report & your DTI unaffected


Clearest route to scale, there's no exposure limit on outstanding debt or number of loans allowed

How To Qualify - Only 3 Criteria

  • 660+
  • Takes the middle score of Fico 5 & Fico 8
  • Takes the highest score of all borrowers with 20%+ ownership in LLC
  • All members over 20% ownership sign personal guarantee
  • Minimum down payment is 20%
  • 6-12 months of PITIA reserves shown in a bank account (not escrowed)
  • Associated closing costs & 3rd party fees
  • No Income, W2s/W9s, Tax Returns, or Verification of Employment required
  • Professional and New Investors
  • Must meet DSCR threshold showing revenue will cover the cost of the loan – Underwritten based on projected revenue 
  • – Projected revenue on a Purchase: 1007 rent schedule in the appraisal 
  • – Projected Revenue on a Refinance: 12 months historical revenue, or projected revenue if a recent remodel